Project Canopy
Maine Urban and Community Forestry Grant Survey
The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's Maine Forest Service is conducting a community needs survey to best utilize Inflation Reduction Act funds allocated to the state of Maine to meet urban and community forestry (UCF) goals.
This funding is part of President Biden's Investing in America Agenda to advance environmental justice, generate economic opportunity, and build a clean energy economy nationwide.
Please take a few moments to help inform the Maine Forest Service & Project Canopy as to how we can meet your UCF needs.
About Project Canopy Maine
Project Canopy is about people. It educates people about the benefits trees provide, and how trees make people's lives better. It connects people who have a particular expertise to people who need that expertise. It helps build bridges with town and city governments, and it knows how to communicate in a local, political environment. And just as important, Project Canopy helps people talk about success stories, so that they can find the motivation --- and inspiration --- that is crucial for developing creative, long-term community forestry programs.
The Maine Forest Service has an incredible reservoir of knowledge and expertise. The challenge for us is to get that knowledge to the people who can use it. Any long-term community forestry program needs commitment and understanding from many different corners. Project Canopy's role is to get people in different corners talking to each other, so that awareness about trees can grow by leaps and bounds. We do that by using down-to-earth strategies, and deploying technical experts into the field to lend hands-on assistance.
For example:
- Helping recruit and organize volunteers;
- Providing model community tree ordinances;
- Assisting in fund-raising efforts;
- Training tree stewards;
- Providing street tree inventory software;
- Helping communities appoint/elect a community tree warden;
- Linking communities to other Maine communities with successful tree programs;
- Providing lists of local foresters and arborists;
- Building bridges to national community tree organizations;
- Assisting in development of a long-term community tree plan;
And much more.
Project Canopy is a cooperative effort of the Maine Forest Service.
Several Maine Forest Service programs are wholly or partially funded by the USDA Forest Service under various authorities.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
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USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights
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USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.